Aryna Dzmitryieva and Vadim Volkov: Recruitment patterns, gender, and professional subcultures of the judiciary in Russia
Arina Dmitrieva, Vadim Volkov
The article of Aryna Dzmitryieva and Vadim Volkov «Recruitment patterns, gender, and professional subcultures of the judiciary in Russia» has been published in the International Journal of the Legal Profession. The article explores sources of recruitment of judges and the influence of the social characteristics of judges on professional culture. Using the original survey and interview data from the Russian Federation, the authors identify and explain the changes in recruitment patterns that followed the judicial reform in the early 2000s. The authors look for profession-related differences between judges who had prior experience of work in the prosecutor’s office and judges who were recruited from the court’s non-judicial technical staff or from police investigation. Access the full text of this article here.