Call for proposals: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Visitorships

Dear colleagues,

This call is aimed at young scholars of Law & Economics, Law & Society, Empirical Legal Studies, and the adjacent fields with focus on post-Soviet countries. Postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students are invited to spend up to 3 months with the researchers at the Institute for the Rule of Law, European University at St. Petersburg, working on their dissertation or related projects.

The Institute for the Rule of Law is one of Russia's first academic institutions engaged in empirical legal studies. We study the behaviour of people enforcing the law: police officers’ decisions to register crime reports, detectives’ decisions to arrest suspects, judges’ verdicts and sentences, or defence attorneys’ efforts to protect their clients. The Institute’s work enriches the dogmatic legal scholarship with social science-based empirical methods. We study law as a behavioural phenomenon relying on cutting-edge methods of social science.

For more information, please read full Call for Proposals or contact us.