The activity of the Institute for the Rule of Law (IRL) at the European University at Saint-Petersburg (EUSPb) includes several ongoing research projects; regular publications in the press on issues of the rule of law and application of law; the production and dissemination of policy memos;
regular research seminars; the monitoring of the press and web site updating; international conference; interaction of IRL research staff with stakeholders
and decision-makers.
IRL has instituted an innovative pattern of policy-oriented research work that is not typical in the Russian context. It consists in a threelevel spin-offs
from ongoing research and data analysis – weekly, monthly, and annual products, all of which are designed so as to produce maximum policy effects:
- weekly articles in the leading newspapers and professional web portals;
- policy memos on topical issues of legal and law enforcement reforms;
- academic monographs that reflect completed projects and contribute to the field of social studies of law.
Empirical legal studies Legal profession Judiciary Police studies Quantitative legal studies Regulation Studies